ReelPlatform allows sports organisations to ensure consistency in coaching and skills techniques.

Hosting a bank of video clips and resources that exemplify best practice gives a one stop shop to coaches.

Sports coaching can often be an isolated role and even more so now. This platform will give coaches and trainers alike a place to share and collaborate. The platform enhances traditional training sessions and ensures organisational consistency in coaching and skills techniques.

Sports organisations can grant access to the platform to their qualified coaching staff or sell access to clubs and coaches. This approach allows organisations to share updates and monitor who has watched the latest clips.

The closed platform ensures that all content hosted on the platform and all related clips are best practice, unlike many open social media platforms where the ‘watch next’ clip often take users away to a clip which is not endorsed by the organisation.


  • Enables your users to consistently access up-to-date training content
  • Provides a secure platform for your users
  • Enhances collaboration within your network
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You control access for your staff, students or customers, whether paid or free access


Create courses with linked videos and downloadable resources and monitor users progress


Keep your resources private in a password-protected environment dedicated to your organisation