Early Excellence are using ReelPlatform in innovative ways, illustrating the adaptable nature of the platform.

Using an API the platform is delivering video content to EExAT, their specialist online tracking and early years assessment platform. They also use the site to deliver bespoke training packages to hundreds of teachers and educationalists across the UK.


Early Excellence (EEx) is a market leader in the provision of support and guidance for early years settings for children's education.

They deliver a range of national and regional training courses focusing on all aspects of early years and Key Stage 1.


When delivering training to educationalists, EEx faced a number of different issues.

These included:

  • The need to enable trainers to access up-to-date video content anytime, anywhere, without them having to carry mass storage devices around
  • Keeping content and metadata up-to-date, consistent and relevant
  • Difficulty in providing users with direct access to content within a secure web environment
  • Providing on-demand exemplification clips for teachers when using their assessment tool


The ReelPlatform team created an instance that is EEx branded and contains their video content. A set of thematic search terms was developed to help trainers easily find the content they needed. The EEx instance was then ready to be used by trainers across the UK.

EEx also use the platform to deliver video content to EExAT, which is a site used by teachers to track pupil progress. Using an API, over 600 exemplification clips are integrated into EExAT, providing users with an extensive range of on-demand video examples to support teachers when observing learning in the classroom.


The EEx instance has now become a central point for all Early Excellence’s video content for trainers. 20 EEx training staff use the platform to share training content in their sessions across the world.

This has meant that hundreds of attendees have had access to these clips via training workshops. The integration with EExAT means that thousands of users view online exemplification videos.